
February 12-15, 2007

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai

Over the last thirty years science, technology and mathematics (STM) education have emerged as lively new research areas. This research, inspired by issues of learning and teaching, has clear uniting themes in the cognitive, pedagogical, historical, philosophical and socio-cultural aspects of the sciences. The name epiSTEME connotes, at one level, a systematic study of knowledge, while as acronym it suggests a meta-view of science, technology and mathematics education. Conference epiSTEME-1, held at Goa in December 2004, dealt with the progress of research in science, technology and mathematics education.

Conference epiSTEME-2 will address three broad strands that influence science, technology and mathematics education: History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Mathematics; Cognitive Bases of STM Learning; and STM Curriculum and its Transaction. Leading scholars in the field will be invited to give overviews of some of the areas of interest within each strand. Paper and poster sessions will complement the review talks. Pre and post conference workshops are being planned, the details of which will be announced later. The conference will strive to nurture the research community in India while fostering linkages between theory and empirical research in STM education. The conference aims at strengthening academic interactions among research groups in this field across the world.



Conference Schedule Review Speakers
E-Proceedings Review Papers

Link to epiSTEME Series of Conferences