Introduction to Educational Research 2002-2003


Main Reference: Introduction to Educationaal Research, 2nd edition, C. M. Charles, Longman Publisheres USA (1995)

    1) The underlying tenets of educational research
    2) Sources of data
    3) Selecting, refining and proposing a topic for research
    4) Locating published research
    5) Interpreting and summarising published research
    6) Procedures and tools for gathering data
    7) Analysis of research data
    8) Ethnographic research
    9) Descriptive and historical research
    10) Correlational research
    11) Action and evaluation research
    12) Experimental, quasi-experimental and causal-comparative research
    13) Designing a research project
    14) Preparing a research report

Assignments: There will be assignments after every session.

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