Curriculum Development
Outline of the course:
I. Styles of Curriculum Theorising
- The Discipline style
- The Analytic Style
- The Humanistic Style
- The Futuristic style
II. Practical Curriculum Study
- Course Planning
- The Content of the Curriculum
- Analysing and Evaluating the Curriculum
- The Control of the Curriculum
III. Theory into Practice
- Early Perspectives in the Curriculum
- The New Education and the curriculum
- The Role of the Teacher
- The Role of the Supervisor
- Mode of Assessment
1. Group Discussion
2. Presentations/seminars
Barnes, Douglas (1982). Practical Curriculum Study. London Routledge and Kagan Paul
Orlosky, Donald E and Smith, B. Othanel (1978). Curricuum Development: Issues and Insights. Chicago: Rand McNally College publishing Company
Tanner, Daniel and Tanner Laurel ((1980). Curriculum Development: Theory into Practice. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.
Course Coordinator: