Graduate Course on Perspectives in Science Education
Course Content:
I. Evolution of Science Education and Science Education Research
- 1. Founding Fathers of Science Education
- 2. Science Education in India
- 3. Origin of Science Education Research
- 4. Science Education as a Field of Research
II. Teaching and Learning of Science
- 1. Towards Science of Science Teaching
- 2. Constructivist Approach to Teaching and Learning of Science
- 3. The Role of History and Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching
III. Assessment and Evaluation
- 1. Formative and Summative Evaluation
- 2. Evaluation of Cognitive and Affective Objectives
- 3. Evaluation of Learning in Science
IV. Professional Development of Science Teachers
- 1. Paradigm Shift in Subject Teaching
- 2. Pre-service Training of Science Teachers
- 3. In-service Training of Science Teachers
- 4. Teachers as Researchers
V. Trends in Science Education Research
- 1. Revolution in Research on Science Teaching
- 2. Current Issues in Science Education Research
- 3. From Research to Practice
VI. Standards in Science Education
- 1. Science Teaching Standards
- 2. Standards for Professional Development of Science Teachers
- 3. Assessment in Science Education
- 4. Science Education Programme Standards
- 5. Science Education System Standards
Mode of Assessment
- 1. Group Discussion 2. Presentations/seminars
- Agarkar, S.C and Lale V.D. (Eds.) (2002). Science, Technology and Mathematics Education for Human Development Vol. 1 and 2, Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR
- Bennett Judith (Ed.) (2002). School Science Review, Special Issue on Science Education Research and Practice Vol. 84, No, 304.
- Bloom, B.S. (1971). Handbook on Formative and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning, New York: McGraw hill Book Company
- Cheng, Y.C., Tsui, K.T. Chow, K.W. and Mok, M.M.C. (2002). Subject Teaching and Teacher Education: Research and Innovation, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education
- David Layton (Convenor) (1977). Founding fathers of science education, New Scientists, Vol. 75, Nos. 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069 and 1070.
- Fensham, P. Gunstone, R and White,R. (Eds.) (1994). The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to its Teaching and Learning, London; The Falmer Press
- Fensham, Peter (2004). Defining an Identity: Evolution of Science Education as a Field of Research, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers National Reserch Council (1996). National Science Education Standards, Washington DC: National Academy Press
- Shayer, Michael and Adey, Philip (1987). Towards Science of Science Teaching: Cognitive development and Curriculum Demand, London: Heineman Educational Books
- Gilbert, J.K. (Ed.) (2003). International Journal of Science Education, Special Issue on Science Education: Past, Present and Future.
- White, Richard (2002) The Revolution in Research in Science Teaching In Virginia Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Teaching, Washington DC: American Educational Research Association
Course Coordinator: