Children's Drawing
Outline of the course:
Day and Timings:Monday, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
This course is concerned with the study of drawings, both spontaneous and after instruction. It includes the use of children's drawings in cognitive and science education research. We will deal with pre-school and school-age children:
looking at drawings as a visual language, emphasising conceptual more than affective aspects, and functional more than aesthetic aspects of childrens' art.
Students would be assigned some reading to be completed prior to each Monday afternoon session. Assessment will be through two written tasks, one oral presentation and one assignment involving data collection and analysis of children's drawings.
The initial readings are given below. Others are research papers to be provided at a later date.
Howard Gardner: Artful Scribbles (Basic Books, 1980). Chapters 1-4, 6, 9.
Rudolph Arnheim: Visual Thinking (University of California Press, 1969). Chapters 14-16.
Maureen Cox: The Pictorial World of the Child (Cambridge University Press, 2005). Chapters 1-2, 12-13 and Appendix.