Short Term Visitorship
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) is a National Centre of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai. The broad goals of the Centre are to promote equity and excellence in science and mathematics education from primary school to undergraduate college level, and encourage the growth of scientific literacy in the country. The Centre is contributing to various programmes, in the following areas:
Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
Development of Curricula, Laboratories and Materials
Teacher Education and Science Popularisation
Olympiads in science and mathematics
NIUS: National Initiative on Undergraduate Science
Vigyan Pratibha: Talent nurture of secondary students in science and mathematics
The Centre offers a number of Short Term Visiting Fellowships every year which are open to Ph.D. / graduate and undergraduate students, teachers, post-doctoral fellows and faculty members. The Short Term Visitorships at HBCSE are available from periods of two weeks to three months (extendable for a maximum period of 6 months). The short term visitor will receive an honorarium.
Applications should be sent, preferably by email, to Prof. Anwesh Mazumdar, Dean, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, V. N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088., Telephone: (022) 25072230, Email: hbcdean [at] hbcse [dot] tifr [dot] res [dot] in
Application must include the applicant's CV, a proposal of work to be undertaken during the period of fellowship and a covering letter mentioning tentative dates of the visit.
Applications can also be routed through any HBCSE faculty member and these can be received at any time during the year.