
The Centre has 16 academic members, 21 members of scientific and technical staff provide support to the academic programmes. The Centre has 21 members of administrative and 6 of auxiliary staff. The R&D programmes of the Centre also involve a large number of visiting staff members. These include research scholars currently 21, working towards a Ph.D. in Science Education, visiting scientists and teachers, and approximately 15 project Staff. Project assistants are young graduates or post-graduates, who help in the implementation of the diverse field projects and developmental programmes of the Centre.

The late V. G. Kulkarni, founder Director of HBCSE, held office from July 1974 till September 30, 1994. Arvind Kumar was the Centre Director from October 1, 1994 till  his retirement on October 31, 2008. H. C. Pradhan served as Centre Director from November 1, 2008 till June 30, 2011. Jayashree Ramadas was the Centre Director from July 1, 2011 till June 30, 2016. K. Subramaniam was the Centre Director from July 1, 2016 till June 30, 2021.

Arnab Bhattacharya is the current Centre Director. Anwesh Mazumdar is the current Dean HBCSE, National Co-ordinator of the Science Olympiads. Prithwijit De is the National Co-ordinator of the Mathematical Olympiads. Savita Ladage is the current coordinator of the National Initiative on Undergraduate Science. Pragati Dandekar is Head, of Administrative Operations at the Centre. Krishna Chandra Sahu is Head, of Finance & Services at the Centre.

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Research Scholars
Scientific Staff   Visiting Fellows
Administrative Staff     Project Staff
Technical Staff Former Members