Deepa Chari

Deepa Chari
Designation: Reader F
Areas of interest
Physics identity, diversity representation in STEM, gender studies in physics
Math-physics interactions in undergraduate courses
Responsive teaching, teacher professional development
- PhD Physics, Dublin Technological University, Dublin, Ireland
Graduate courses
Advanced research methodology elective course (Aug 2024- Dec 2024)
- Foundational course in education research methods
- Advanced methods in education research
- Qualitative and quantitative foundations of education research, 2020
- Modelling in Science Education, 2020
Postdoctoral research experience>
- (May 2016- Auguest 2019) Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
- (January 2015- May 2016) Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Selective journal publications
Bansal, D., & Chari, D. (2024). Agency building with early research exposure: A study of an undergraduate science education exposure program. Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, Vol 1(2),101–116
- Jose P., Chunawala S. & Chari D., (2024) Artistic mutilation of genitalia: An interpretive analysis of representations of genitalia in Indian school science textbooks; Gender and Education CGEE; pp 1-21 DOI:
- Jose Panchami, Chunawala Sugra and Chari Deepa (2024); Moralistic Science: Socio-Cultural Norms about Sexuality in Indian Biology Education, Journal of International Women's Studies; Vol. 26: Iss. 3, Article 6. DOI:
- Panchami Jose, Sugra Chunawala & Deepa Chari (2023) Of the forbidden frontiers of the body: exploring teachers' narratives about students' sexuality in the south Indian state of Keralam, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2023.2181446
Meenakshi Kaushik, Sugra Chunawala, and Deepa Chari (2022) Promoting Socioscientific Issue-based Science Education- Finding opportunities in Assessment, Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education.Vol. 2(2), pp 51-61
- Hazari Zahra, Chari Deepa, Potvin Geoff, and Brewe Eric (2020) The context dependence of physics identity: Examining the role of performance/competence, recognition, interest, and sense of belonging for lower and upper female physics undergraduates, Journal of Research in Science Teaching JRST
- Chari Deepa, Nguyen Hai, Zollman Dean, and Sayre Eleanor (2019) Student and instructor framing in upper-division physics, American Journal of Physics 87, 875.
- Chari Deepa and Potvin Geoff (2019) Understanding the importance of graduate admissions criteria according to prospective graduate students, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15, 023101 DOI:
- Malone Andrew, Chari Deepa, Cournane Sean, Nadenova Izabela, Fagan Andrew, and Browne Jacinta (2019), Investigation of the assessment of low degree (<50%) renal artery stenosis based on velocity flow profile analysis using Doppler ultrasound: An in-vitro study, European journal of Physica Medica. Vol. 65, Pages 209–218
DOI: - Chari Deepa and Potvin Geoff (2019) Admissions practices in terminal Master's degree-granting physics departments: A comparative analysis, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(1), 010104. DOI:
- Browne Jacinta, King Deirdre, Fagan Andrew, Chari Deepa, and Moran Carmel (2019) An investigation of the detection capability of pulsed wave duplex Doppler of low grade stenosis using ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles - An in-vitro study, Ultrasonics, 96, pp 48-54,
- Potvin Geoff, Chari Deepa, and Hodapp Ted (2017) Investigating approaches to diversity in a national survey of physics doctoral degree programs: The landscape of graduate admissions, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13 (2), 020142.
- Amit Sharma, Deepa Chari, Sugra Chunawala (2017) Exploring Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education in Indian Context Using 'Type of Disability' Lens; International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 6(3), pp 1134-1143
- Nguyen Hai-Dong, Chari Deepa, and Sayre Eleanor (2016) Dynamics of students' epistemological framing in group problem solving, European Journal of Physics, 37 (6), 065706, DOI:
- Chari Deepa, Irving Paul, Howard Robert, and Bowe Brain (2012) Identifying knowledge, skill, and competence for nanoscience and nanotechnology research: study of researchers’ experiences; Special Issue on current trends in nanotechnology education, International Journal of Engineering Education, 28 (5), pp 1046-1055,
Keynote/Plenary/Invited talks
- Deepa Chari (September 2024) Encouraging responsive practices in science and mathematics teaching, Physics Education Research lecture series organized by Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), India
- Student Diversity and Inclusive Education (2024) Invited talk at the NEP Orientation and Sensitization programme, a training session organised by the IUCAA's Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, 1-14 May 2024
- Student Diversity and Inclusive Education (2024) Invited talk at the NEP Orientation and Sensitization programme, a training session organised by the IUCAA's Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, 2-15 February 2024
- Education Re-conceptualized: Implications for Pedagogy, Policy and Practice; Deepa Chari, Keynote speech at the, 4th STEM in Education International conference (2023 STEMIC) on 'The Interface between Digital Revolution and STEM: Navigating the New Frontier' organized by Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya (online) 15-17 November 2023.
- Physics Education and gender sensitisation; Deepa Chari, Invited talk at the Symposium in Physics Education SPE@AK80 - A HBCSE Golden Jubilee event, HBCSE Mumbai, 22-24 November 2023.
- Improving classroom environments for student-centered learning in STEM subjects/courses: a case of physics; Deepa Chari; Keynote speech at the 3rd STEM in Education International conference (2022 STEMEIC): Building resilient and sustainable systems for STEM teaching, learning, and research in post-COVID-19 era, organized by Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Nairobi Kenya in partnership with Diversity Education Institute (DEI) and San Houston State University, Texas, USA, (online) 16-18 November 2022.
- Vigyan Vidushi-A programmatic effort towards addressing under-representation issues in the graduate-level physics; Chari Deepa, Mazumdar Anwesh, Nanal Vandana, Dighe Amol, Invited talk at the Graduate Education Forum, American Association of Physics Teachers' Summer Meeting (Online), July 31- Aug 4, 2021.
- Contributing to research, policy, and practice through science education careers, talk in the seminar series on 'Windows of opportunities in science and engineering' organized by the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Mumbai chapter and Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS), 29 May 2021.
- Faculty workshop on "Moving towards Physics Education Research (PER) informed instructional reforms" at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, July- August 2020
- Examining and Promoting Identity Development for Diversifying Physics at the Pressing for Progress 2019-IPA conference, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India (September 2019)
- Understanding students as stakeholders for the institutional change, Seminar at TIFR, Hyderabad (September 2019)
- Prospective graduate students’ views on barriers and motivations towards physics graduate school at the ‘Graduate education experience’ talk symposium, AAPT summer meeting, Provo, Utah, USA (July 2019).
- Admissions from the racially underrepresented students’ perspectives at the ‘From aspirations to dissertations’ invited session at Physics Education Research Conference, Washington DC, USA. (Aug 2018)
- Graduate admission practices - multi stakeholders’ perspectives, American Florida Network- Women in STEM Education AFN WISE travel grant lecture at Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA (May 2018)
- From undergraduate to graduate physics: building a strong physics community, at Physics Department, Texas A&M University, Commerce, Texas, USA (Mar 2018)
- Enriching instructional practice through students’ framing of physics problems at Physics Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (Jan 2018)
- Graduate students’ enculturation at Physics departments at the ‘Multiple perspectives on graduate admissions and diversity in physics’ symposium session, Physics Education Research Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (July 2017)
- Examining undergraduate students' views of graduate admissions’, talk in ‘Multiple perspectives on graduate admissions and diversity in physics session’ Physics Education Research Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (July 2017)
- Mathematization in upper division at the HHMI Discipline-Based Education research seminar series, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA (Oct 2016)
Selective conference proceedings
- Harita Raval, Sushma Rawool, Pankaj Tadakhe, Deepa Chari (2024) Unlocking the potential of Mathematical Exploration through online TPD programs in India during COVID-19, Proceeding at the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia, 7-14 July, 2024.
- Sushma Rawool, Aaloka Kanhere, Lale Vijay, Chari Deepa; Adding holistic contributions during an unconventional journey of language editing; Teacher Conference on Integration of Technology in Teaching and Learning of Science by NVMSF: Challenges and Benefits of Online Education; 5 February 2022.
- V. Madhurima, Ram Ramaswamy, Deepa Chari, Vandana Nanal and Tanushri Saha-Dasgupta; Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Physics teaching in India; AIP conference proceedings of Women in Physics: 7th IUPAP International conference on women in Physics, 11-16 July 2021 (to appear)
- Srubabati Goswami, Aru Beri, Bindu Bambah, Deepa Chari, V. Madhurima, Gautom Menon, Vandana Nanal, Pragya Pandey, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Aditi Sen-De, Prajval Shastri; Gender Equity in Physics in India: Interventions, Outcomes, and Roadmap; AIP conference proceedings of Women in Physics: 7th IUPAP International conference on women in Physics; 11-16 July 2021 (to appear)
- Sarita Kamat and Deepa Chari; Augmenting Science Education Resources Of Vigyan Pratibha Through Videos; Online teacher conference by NVMSF on Developing online interactive environment for science teaching and learning; 6 February 2021.
Workshops in collaboration with The Gender in Physics Working Group (GIPWG) of the IPA
PAWS- Workshop on imposter syndrome, biases, and microaggressions in the physics community.
- Past workshops: IISER Mohali, Mohali (April 2024); IIT Indore, Indore (March 2024); St.Bede College, Shimla (Feb 2022); Tezpur University, Assam University & IIT Guwahati (Jan 2022); IIT Ropar (Dec 2021); Central University Tamil Nadu (Nov 2021).
Recent conference presentations
Sarita Kamat and Deepa Chari (Aug 2024), Voluntary online content discussion seminars as potential avenues of teacher communities of practice, Contributed talk at the 4th World Conference in Physics Education, Krakow, Poland (26-30 August 2024)
- AmisH Parmar, Aaloka Kanhere and Deepa Chari (2024), Teachers' conceptions of proofs while engaging in an open exploration, Mathematics Teachers' Associations' regional conference, 27-28 January 2024, Porvorim, Goa.
- Panchami Jose, Sugra Chunawala, Deepa Chari (2023) Slippery terrains of science and sexual morality: exploring the frequent departures from 'Medico to Socio-cultural moral grounds' in higher secondary biology classroom discourse (2023), The ninth world conference on Women's Studies, WCWS 2023, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-12 May 2023.
- Prithu Raj Ghosh, Tripti Bameta, Deepa Chari, K K Mashood (2022) Student understanding of the direction of force due to atmospheric pressure: A tale of two models. Physics Education-preparing for the future, IUPAP international conference on physics education conference, 5-9 December 2022 (online)
Author, Editor: Books and Proceedings
- Deepa Chari and Ayush Gupta et al. Eds (2022), Proceedings of epiSTEME-9 - International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Mumbai, India, 4-8 July 2022 (Online)
- Deepa Chari, Ankush Gupta, Arnab Bhattacharya (2024) Vigyan Pratibha — enhancing science and mathematics learning experiences in Indian high schools; Report in Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies AAPPS Bulletin, Vol.34 (Feb) 2024, Article no 11 2024.
- Srubabati Goswami, Vandana Nanal, Deepa Chari, V Madhurima (2023); A Report on International Conference of Women In Physics- ICWIP2023, Physics News, Volume 53(3), News and events July-Sept 2023.
Research mentoring
- PhD Thesis Advisor: Panchami Jose (2022 - 2024), Meenakshi Kaushik (2022- 2024 ), Chaitanya Ursekar (2022-), Saurabh Thakur (March 2024-)
- VF Mentor: Dr. Navaneetha M R (2024- ); Dr. Sarita Kamat, Vigyan Pratibha (2020 - 2023)
- Fieldwork mentor/co-mentor: Saurabh Thakur, Harsha Malhotra, Anupama Das, Prithu Raj Ghosh.
- Teacher fellow mentor: Raziya Parrakkal (Vigyan Pratibha Program)
- Short-term visitor mentor: Dr. Deepika Bansal, Dr. Asmita Redij, Dr. Rossi Desuza.
Expository writings/popular science articles/Independent communication
- Ravi Sinha, Ashish Kumar Pardesi, Deepa Chari; Nudging students' designs; i-wonder-rediscovering school science magazine; issue 8, pg 42-46; June 2022.