Savita Ladage

Savita Ladage
Current Position: Professor (H)
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. thesis: Identifying Students' Misconcepts & Learning Barriers in Chemistry & Designing & Evaluating appropriate Remedial Measures.
Research Areas: misconceptions and conceptual understanding in chemistry and designing of problems based/investigatory experiments for chemistry laboratory at higher secondary and undergraduate level.
Brief description of work
I am involved in chemistry education research and developmental activities for higher secondary and undergraduate level. I have been associated with Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) programme for almost for two decades. As part of INChO programme, my work involves designing context based problems (in analytical/physical chemistry) emphasising conceptual understanding, developing novel and unconventional chemistry experiments including their standardisation, and assessment for the same.
The National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) programme in chemistry at the centre is aimed at helping motivated undergraduate students to internalise expert epistemic knowledge and scientific practices through sustained mentoring along with conceptual gains. As a part of NIUS chemistry, I have been engaging first year undergraduate students in proto-research/ research-like activities in analytical, physical and organic chemistry. With interest in learning in chemistry laboratory, development of problem based/investigatory experimental modules at undergraduate level is yet another domain of my work.
I interact with teachers at higher secondary and undergraduate level through workshops and teacher camps on continual basis. Problem based experimental modules and learning in chemistry laboratory pedagogical significance of context based problems and conceptual pitfalls in chemistry are some of the areas covered by me for the teacher participants. We also engage chemistry teachers with work done in domain of Chemistry Education Research (CER) and expose them to research based teaching-learning practices and inquiry based instructional material.
Honorary Positions
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board. Journal of Chemical Education.(January 2017- December 2018).
- Convener, epiSTEME-7.
- Member of Scientific Committee, 48th International Chemistry Olympiad, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 23-August 1, 2016
- Co-opted Member of International Steering Committee (ISC) for International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) (2016-2017) and (2011-2013). Ex-officio member of ISC in year 2000-2001 as India hosted 33rd International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) in 2001.
- Co-opted member of Executive Council of Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) (2013-), Vice –President, West zone, ACT (2007-2013) and member of Executive council of ACT (2001-2007).
- Accompanied the Indian Teams for IChOs as Mentor/Scientific observer on several occasions [Moscow (Russia)-2012, USA-2011, Ankara (Turkey)-2010, Cambridge (UK)-2009, Copenhagen (Denmark)-2000 and Bangkok (Thailand)-1999]
- Convener, First and second International Conference on Education in Chemistry (ICEC- 2010 and 2014), held at HBCSE, November 2010 and December 2014 respectively.
- Member of the National Scientific Committee and National Organising Committee for 33rd International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) hosted by India in year 2001.
- Academic coordinator for the experimental contest of the 33rd IChO (2001).
- Shridhar, G., Ladage, S., Singh, A., & Ravishankar, L., (2019). Anefficient and Green Synthesis of Substituted Piperidine Derivatives using Cerium Chloride Heptahydrate as Catalyst, Heterocyclic Letters, Vol. 9, No. 4, 437-44
- Carneiro, G., Parulekar, T., Shridhar, G., & Ladage, S., (2016). Experimenting with the teaching of organic chemistry - the process oriented guided inquiry learning way. Current Science, 111, (7), 1152-1155.
Ravishankar, L., Ladage, S., & Shridhar, G. (2016). Is research mandatory for teaching undergraduate chemistry? Current Science,110(6),972-973.
- Ravishankar, L., Ladage, S., & Shridhar, G. (2015). Assessment and evaluation in tertiary chemistry education:are we bothered? Current Science. 109(01), 18-20.
- Ladage, S., & Ravishankar, L. (2013). Making learning in chemistry laboratory more meaningful. Current Science. 104(10), 1269-1270.
- Ravishankar, L., Ladage, S., & Shridhar, G. (2013). Exciting undergraduates towards organic chemistry: A study circle approach. Current Science. 105(9), 1227-1229.
Ladage, S. (1994). Study of Students' difficulties in balancing chemical equations, Chemistry Education, Jan-March 1994, 35-40.
- Ladage, S. (1993). The Periodic Table: a preliminary study of students' understanding & Difficulties, Chemistry Education, July-Sept 1993, 23-29.
In Proceedings
Savita Ladage: Indian Chemistry Olympiad Programme: outcomes of the Decade, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.
Savita Ladage and Swapna Narvekar: Indian National Chemistry Olympiad Examinations: Implications for teaching and learning of chemistry, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.
Lakshmy Ravishankar and Savita Ladage: Laboratory courses in Organic Chemistry: a Case Study, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.
- Ladage S. and Narvekar S. (2013). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad - Theory Papers with Solutions (2002-2004)., HBCSE, Mumbai.
- Ladage S. and Narvekar S. (2013). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad - Theory Papers with Solutions (2005-2007)., HBCSE, Mumbai.
- Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2013). Experimental Problems In Chemistry (2003-2007), Mumbai: HBCSE, Mumbai.
- Ladage, S. and Samant, S. (eds.). (2012). Chemical Education. First International Conference on Education in Chemistry, HBCSE , Mumbai. Narosa: New Delhi.
Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2009). Experimental Problems in Chemistry (2003-2007), April 2009.
Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2009). Challenging Experiments in Chemistry, published by HBCSE, April 2009.
Ladage, S. (2009). Interesting Experiments for Undergraduate Chemistry, Published by HBCSE, April 2009.
Ladage, S. and Narvekar, S. (complied) (2008). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad- Theory Examination Papers (2003 – 2007), February 2008.
Ladage, S. and Kumar, A. (eds.). (2001). Preparatory problems, 33rd International chemistry Olympiad, 2001.
Ladage, S. (1993). The Fascinating Story of the Periodic Table, Oxford University Press,1993.
Savita Ladage(2014). Research and Development in Chemistry Education at HBCSE: An Overview. HBCSE, Mumbai.
- Indrani Das Sen(2014). National Initiative on Undergraduate Studies(NIUS) Chemistry: Towards meaningful learning in chemistry . HBCSE, Mumbai.
- Swapna Narvekar(2014). Learning from the Chemistry Olympiad laboratory. HBCSE, Mumbai
- Ladage, S., Ravishankar L., and Shridhar, G. (2010). Exciting students towards organic chemistry: a study circle approach, paper presented at 21st Biennial Conference on Education in Chemistryheld at University of Texas, Denton, USA, August 2010.
Articles in science magazine
- Ladage, S. & Joshi, T. ((2017, February), The periodic table: a window to the history of chemistry!, I wonder-rediscovering school science, Azim Premaji University, 3, 37-43.
- Joshi, T. & Ladage, S. (2013, September). ‘Let’s Meet the Chemical Elements!’ (Information Cards) HBCSE, TIFR
- Joshi, T. & Ladage, S. (2013, September). ‘Oh Yes! I’m going to be a Chemist!’ The Chemical Axis, 12 (2), 8-13
- Ladage, S. & Joshi, T. (2013, June). ‘The Fascinating Story of the Periodic Table’(Flyer) HBCSE, TIFR
- Sen I. & Narvekar S. (2013). Acid or Base, the colour tells it all. Teacher Plus Magazine Hyderabad. Pg. No. 28-31, May – June 2013.
Web Portals
Technical Report
- Chunawala, S. & Ladage, S. Students' Ideas about Science and Scientists, Technical Report No. 38 (Jan 1998).
- Srivastava, N. & Ladage, S. Models and activities for interactive chemistry, Technical Report No. 36 (April 1997).
NIUS Chemistry Publications
Ph.D. Theses
Savita Ladage (1995). Identifying Students' Misconcepts & Learning Barriers in Chemistry & Designing & Evaluating appropriate Remedial Measures, Ph. D. Thesis, HBCSE, TIFR, (Submitted to the University of Mumbai), Mumbai, 1995.