Chemistry Education Research at HBCSE

Chemistry Education Research (CER) from its inception has addressed issues related to teaching and learning of chemistry at various levels. There are two distinct but related aspects of Chemistry Education Research (CER); one is to empirically analyse students' difficulties and misconceptions in chemistry, the other is to develop methods for effective learning of chemistry.  CER studies, conducted over the last five decades, have provided valuable insights to teachers, curriculum planners and policy makers engaged with chemistry education.

In Indian colleges and university departments, there have been efforts directed towards updating curricula and syllabi, and modernising teaching strategies and educational delivery systems. Such efforts need to be backed by discipline-based research in chemistry (that is, CER) so as to make Chemistry education meaningful. Thus, getting engaged with CER is an important fertile research area at undergraduate level.

At HBCSE,  some of the CER areas we have been engaged with are

  •   Problem based/inquiry learning in chemistry laboratories
  •   Designing experiments for conceptual understanding  
  •   Study of misconceptions (development of concept inventories/diagnostic tools)
  •   Development of inquiry-based instructional materials
  •   Understanding epistemic aspects of chemistry

Our engagement with Indian Chemistry Olympiad programme and National Initiative on Undergraduate Science Programme (Chemistry) have helped us to gain insights about difficulties faced by students and teachers from schools and colleges in India and has been a driving force for being engaged with research and development activities in Chemistry education.  

We look forward to sustain these efforts with all interested individuals


Publications (See also Cognitive Studies of Science Learning)


RSC-Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programme in India: Evaluation Report for Teacher Development Programme (February 2019)

In Journals (in chronological order)


In Proceedings 

  • Savita Ladage: Indian Chemistry Olympiad Programme: outcomes of the Decade, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.

  • Savita Ladage and Swapna Narvekar: Indian National Chemistry Olympiad Examinations: Implications for teaching and learning of chemistry, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.

  • Lakshmy Ravishankar and Savita Ladage: Laboratory courses in Organic Chemistry: a Case Study, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009. 

Ph.D. Theses


Savita Ladage (1995). Identifying Students' Misconcepts & Learning Barriers in Chemistry & Designing & Evaluating appropriate Remedial Measures, Ph. D. Thesis, HBCSE, TIFR, (Submitted to the University of Mumbai), Mumbai, 1995 


  • Ladage S. and Narvekar S. (2013). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad - Theory Papers with Solutions (2005-2007)., HBCSE, Mumbai.
  • Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2013). Experimental Problems In Chemistry (2003-2007), Mumbai: HBCSE, Mumbai. 
  • Ladage, S. and Samant, S. (eds.). (2012). Chemical Education. First International Conference on Education in Chemistry, HBCSE , Mumbai. Narosa: New Delhi.
  • Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2009). Experimental Problems in Chemistry (2003-2007), April 2009.

  • Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2009). Challenging Experiments in Chemistry, published by HBCSE, April 2009.

  • Ladage, S. (2009). Interesting Experiments for Undergraduate Chemistry, Published by HBCSE, April 2009.

  • Ladage, S. and Narvekar, S. (complied) (2008). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad- Theory Examination Papers (2003 – 2007), February 2008.

  • Ladage, S. and Kumar, A. (eds.). (2001). Preparatory problems, 33rd International chemistry Olympiad, 2001.

  • K. K. Mishra (2001): Jal: Jeevan ka Adhaar (Water: The Basis of Life), National Book Trust, New Delhi, ISBN 81-237-3583-9, 106pp .

  • Ladage, S. (1993). The Fascinating Story of the Periodic Table, Oxford University Press,1993.

Miscellaneous (PPTs)

Technical Report

  • Nilima Srivastava and Savita LadageModels and activities for interactive chemistry, Technical Report No. 36, published by HBCSE, April 97.


Magazine Articles

  • George, H., Shaikh, M., & Ladage, S. (2021, October). The marvellous world of chemical compounds. Teacher Plus.
  • Ladage, S., & George, H. (2020, September). Misconceptions can mess it up. Teacher Plus, 18(8), 49-51.
  • George, H., Malhotra-Dalvi, A., Muralidhar, A., Ladage, S., & Chunawala, S. (2020, July). Sing, draw, play or invent. Teacher Plus, 18(6), 16-19.  
  • George, H., Bhujbalrao, R., Ladage, S., & Chunawala, S. (2019, October). Learner centred strategies. Teacher Plus, 17(9), 53-55.
  • Ladage, S. & Joshi, T. (2017, February), The periodic table: a window to the history of chemistry!, I wonder-rediscovering school science, Azim Premaji University, 3,  37-43. 
  • Ladage S., Narvekar S. & Sen I.   (2015). Making undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory meaningful learning place: Some implementable changes. Chemical Axis, Vol.14, No.2,  Pg. No 21-25, September 2015, ISSN 2249-8842.
  • Joshi, T. & Ladage, S. (2013, September). ‘Let’s Meet the Chemical Elements!’ (Information Cards) HBCSE, TIFR
  • Joshi, T. & Ladage, S. (2013, September). ‘Oh Yes! I’m going to be a Chemist!’ The Chemical Axis, 12 (2), 8-13
  • Ladage, S. & Joshi, T. (2013, June). ‘The Fascinating Story of the Periodic Table’(Flyer) HBCSE, TIFR
  • Sen I. & Narvekar S. (2013)Acid or Base, the colour tells it all. Teacher Plus Magazine Hyderabad. Pg. No. 28-31, May – June 2013.

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