Sugra Chunawala

Current Position: Professor (H)
HBCSE Centre Dean- 2016 to 2021
Ph.D. thesis:
The impact of science education in terms of human resource development in socio-economically deprived groups (with special emphasis on career selection)
Thesis Advisor of
Research interests
- Attitudinal studies of students and teachers
- Students' perceptions of science
- Attitudes to school and school subjects
- Students' and teachers' perceptions of scientists
- Students' and teachers' perceptions of technology
- Students' alternative conceptions of science topics
- Students' conceptions of health
- Students' ideas about living and non-living
- Students' ideas about forests
- Students' ideas about experiments
- Gender and technology as part of a project titled Technology Centred School Education (TCSE).
Gender and science
The permanent exhibition at HBCSE on the theme of Gender and Science is aimed at presenting the contributions of women scientists. It focuses on the historical disjunction between women, science and technology. A booklet containing the information presented in the exhibition along with some additional material has been published. Marathi version of the booklet is also available.
- Was a member of the focus group that wrote Gender Issues in the Curriculum, Position paper 3.2, National Curriculum Framework, 2005, NCERT http://
Science Education for Diversity (2010-2013)
Science Education for Diversity (SED) -- A European Commission Funded Project
- Chunawala, S. & Kharatmal, M. (Eds.). (2013). The epiSTEME Reviews---Research Trends in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Volume 4. India: Narosa. (
- Chunawala, S. and Ladage, S. (2007) “Mulyamapan va Sanshodhan” or Assessment and Research, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, October 2007.
- Chunawala, S. (2003). Gender & Science. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education. Sai Printers: Mumbai, India.
- Chunawala, S. (2003). स्त्री पुरुष भेद आणि विज्ञान. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education. Sai Printers: Mumbai, India.
- Sugra Chunawala: Conflicts, Activity Based Foundation Course on Science, Technology and Society, (Series editor) Chitra Natarajan, HBCSE, January 1999.
In Books
- Chunawala, S., & Natarajan, C. (2017). An inclusive science and technology education curriculum at school level. In G. Chadha and S.Krishna (Eds.), Feminists and science: Critiques and changing perspectives in India, Vol. 2 (pp. 299-323). India: Sage- Stree Publishers.
Natarajan C. and Chunawala S. (2009) Technology and Vocational Education in India, in Alister Jones and Marc de Vries (Eds) International Handbook of Research and Development in Technology Education, The Netherlands: Sense Pub. [Download pdf]
- Chunawala, S. (2006). Science Education. Sixth Survey of Educational Research 1993-2000, vol 1, NCERT.
Chunawala, S. (2004). Education and technology education within the gender perspective. In Patrick Dias (ed.) Multiple Languages, Literacies and Technologies. Multilingualism, Frankfurt and Books for Change, New Delhi.
Pedagogical Articles
- George, H., Malhotra-Dalvi, A., Muralidhar, A., Ladage, S., & Chunawala, S. (2020, July). Sing, draw, play or invent. Teacher Plus 18(6), 16-18.
- Dolas, A., Muralidhar, A., & Chunawala, S. (2020, February). Triggering creative expression. Teacher Plus 18(2), 18-19.
- Dolas, A., & Chunawala, S. (2020, January). भाषे द्वारे सर्जनशीलतेचा विकास – एक उपक्रम. ग्राममंगल Innovations in Learning, शिक्षणवेध, E-Magazine 21, 12-15.
- Gupta, D., Muralidhar, A., & Chunawala, S. (2017). What robotics can bring to the teaching table. Teacher Plus, 15(1), 38-40.
- Dutta, B., Moorthy, S., & Chunwala, S. (2016). Staying healthy: in school and life. Teacher Plus, October 2016 (pp. 46-47)
- Birwatkar, P. & Chunawala, S. (2015). Science teaching with a difference. Teacher Plus, February 2015 (pp. 24-26).
In Journals
- Shinde, R., Muralidhar, A., & Chunawala, S. (2020). Making environmental studies engaging for elementary school students. ASE International, Issue 10, 45-57. [PDF]
Chunawala, S. (2018). An inclusive science and technology education curriculum at school level. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies 7(46), 19-24. - Datt, S., & Chunawala, S. (2018). A comparison of problems at the grassroots level in India identified by adults and children: Implications for Design and Technology Education. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal 23(1), 10-25.
- Sharma, A., Chari, D., & Chunawala, S. (2017, December). Exploring teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education in Indian context Using ‘type of disability’ lens. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 6(2), 1134- 1143.
- Bhide, S., & Chunawala, S. (2017). Making a case for outdoor engagement in environmental studies at Indian schools. Conexão Ciência 12(2), 223-230.
- Raveendran, A., & Chunawala, S. (2015). Values in Science: Making Sense of Biology Doctoral Students’ Critical Examination of a Deterministic Claim in a Media Article. Science Education, doi: 10.1002/sce.21174
- Ara, F., Chunawala, S. and Natarajan, C. (2013). Investigating Indian elementary and middle school student's images of designers. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal,18 (2), 50-65.
Ara, F., Chunawala, S and Natarajan C. (2011). A Study Investigating Indian Middle School Students Ideas of Design and Designers. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 16.3, 62-73.
Ara, F., Natarajan, C. and Chunawala, S. (2009). A Study Exploring the Strategies Utilised by Indian Middle-School Students in Identifying Unfamiliar Artefacts. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 14.3, 47-57. [Download pdf]
Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Natarajan, C., & Chunawala, S. (2009). Collaborative learning in technology education: D&T unit on puppetry in different Indian socio-cultural contexts International Journal of Design and Technology Education, DOI 10.1007/s10798-007-9037-1. [Download pdf]
- Chunawala, S. (2004). A review of some literature on Biological Determinism. Research Centre for Women’s Studies, RCWS Newsletter, Vol. 25 (2) (3), Monsoon/Fall Issue.
Chunawala, S. (1991). Career choices of girls and the effects of Intervention in the form of provision of vocational guidance. Journal of Education and Social Change, Vol. V (2), 43-55.
Chunawala, S. (1989). Sex-role stereotyping of occupations among teachers and students. Journal of Education and Social Change, Vol. III (3), 89-102.
Chunawala, S. (1987). A study of the occupational choices of first generation learners. Journal of Education and Social Change, Vol. I (3), 52-64.
In Proceedings
- Malhotra-Dalvi, A., Muralidhar, A., & Chunawala, S. (2021). Design of symbolic science characters: A visual design exercise with children. E-Proceedings of Designing for Children-With focus on ‘Play + Learn’, International Conference. Organised by IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, 28-30 January 2021.
- Malhotra-Dalvi, A.,Muralidhar, A., Dolas, A., Shinde, R., & Chunawala, S. (2020). Designing and making roller coasters by Indian middle school students. In K.K. Mashood, T. Sengupta, C. Ursekar, H. Raval and S. Dutta (Eds.), Proceedings of epiSTEME8: Eighth international conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education, HBCSE (pp. 199-201). India: HBCSE/Gaurang Publishing Globalize Pvt. Ltd.
- Muralidhar, A., Kapil, R., & Chunawala, S. (2018). Design and technology education’s potential to address diversity. In S. Ladage and S. Narvekar (Eds.), Proceedings of epiSTEME7: Seventh international conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education, HBCSE (pp. 49-57). India: CinnamonTeal.
- Datt, S., & Chunawala, S. (2018). Children as film-makers. In S. Ladage and S. Narvekar (Eds.), Proceedings of epiSTEME7: Seventh international conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education, HBCSE (pp. 17-25). India: CinnamonTeal.
- Deshmukh, N. D., Bhide, S., Sonawane, V. C., Chunawala, S., & Ramadas, J. (2018). Experiences and learning from Participatory Action Research with a local school. In S. Ladage and S. Narvekar (Eds.), Proceedings of epiSTEME7: Seventh international conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education, HBCSE (pp. 204-213). India: CinnamonTeal.
- Datt, S., Shah, M., & Chunawala, S. (2017). Upper primary and secondary school science teacher's perception of creativity in science education. In A. Sharma and J. Rajeswaran (Eds.), Creativity and cognition in art and design: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Creativity and Cognition in Art and Design (ICCCAD 2017) (pp. 278-286). New Delhi: Bloomsbury.
- Sharma, A., & Chunawala, S. (2016). Science learning and visualization: A case of students with and without vision, learning the atomic structure. In G. J. Vitus and C.Praveen (Eds.), Standards and benchmarks for excellence in learning and tecahing research: Conference proceedings of annual-cum-international conference of All India Association for Educational Research INTCONF 2015 (pp. 12-22). Kerala: University of Kerala.
- Sharma, A. & Chunawala, S. (2015). Using diagrams in inclusive learning situations. In S. Chandrasekharan, S. Murthy, G. Banerjee and A. Muralidhar (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME 6: International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (pp 117-124). Mumbai: Cinnamonteal.
- Mirani, S. & Chunawala, S. (2015). Teachers' Perceptions of Dealing with Mixed Ability Classrooms. In S. Chandrasekharan, S. Murthy, G. Banerjee and A. Muralidhar (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME 6: International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (pp 43-50). Mumbai: Cinnamonteal.
Birwatkar, P. & Chunawala, S. (2014). An innovative strategy for addressing diversity in a science class. In S. Nath (Ed.), Proceedings of the ICSSR Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on Innovations in 21st Century Education (pp. 73-86). Mumbai: K. J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education, Training and Research, Vidyavihar.
- Chunawala, S., Birwatkar, P., Muralidhar, A. & Natarajan, C. (2013). Looking at science through the lens of diversity: View of Indian students and teachers. In G. Nagarjuna, A. Jamakhandi and E. Sam (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME 5: International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Cinnamonteal. pp 185-191
Chunawala, S. & Natarajan C. (2012). A Study of Policies Related to Science Education for Diversity in India. In “Towards Effective Teaching and Meaningful Learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology”, Proceedings of ISTE: International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (pp. 130-141), South Africa, Oct, 2011.
Ara, F., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2011). Students as Users and Designers: Product Evaluation and Redesign by Indian Middle School Students. In S. Chunawala & M. Kharatmal (Eds.). Proceedings of epiSTEME 4 -- International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. India: Macmillan.
Ara, F., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala S. (2010) Naïve Designers: A study describing Indian middle school students' creative design solutions to a real world problem. International Conference on ''Designing for children'- with focus on 'play' and 'learn'' at Industrial Design Centre, IIT, Mumbai, Feb 2-6, 2010. (Online)
Khunyakari, R., Mehrotra, S, Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2010) Implementing D&T education in Indian middle schools: Lessons from trials International Conference on ''Designing for children'- with focus on 'play' and 'learn'' at Industrial Design Centre, IIT, Mumbai, Feb 2-6, 2010. (Published online only)
Khunyakari, R., Mehrotra, S., Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2009). Studying Indian middle school students' attitudes towards technology. In K. Subramaniam and A. Mazumdar (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME-3: An International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. [Download pdf]
Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2009). Evidences of learning through collaboration in design and technology tasks in Indian classrooms. In K. Subramaniam and A. Mazumdar (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME-3: An International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. [Download pdf]
Ara, F., Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2009). Moving from analysing to designing artefacts: studying middle school students’ ideas about design and designers. In K.Subramaniam and A. Mazumdar (Eds.). Proceedings of epiSTEME3: An International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, (pp. 94-100). Mumbai: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.
- Khunyakari, R, Mehrotra, S., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S.(2007). Cognition in action in design and technology units among middle school students. In Chitra Natarajan & Beena Choksi (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME-2: An International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. Mumbai, India, February 12-15, 2007 [Download pdf]
Khunyakari, R., Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2007). Comparison of depictions by middle school students elicited in different contexts. Proceedings of the Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology (PATT-18) held at Glasgow, UK, pp 210-217 [Download pdf]
Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2007). Dialogues in formal communication: A study of students' talk in a D&T unit in India. In Chitra Natarajan & Beena Choksi (Eds.). Proceedings epiSTEME-2: International conference to review research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Mumbai, India, February 12-15, 2007, pp 73-78.
Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2007). Using pictures and interviews to elicit Indian students' understanding of technology. Proceedings of the Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology (PATT-18) held at Glasgow, UK, July 2007. [Download pdf]
- Khunyakari, R, Mehrotra, S., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2006). Designing design tasks for Indian classrooms. In Marc J de Vries and Ilja Mottier (Eds.). Research for standards-based technology education. Proceedings PATT-16, Baltimore, March 2006. pp 20-34 [Download pdf]
- Khunyakari, R. P., Mehrotra, S., Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2006) Design and Technology Productions Among Middle School Students: An Indian Experience In Volk, Kenneth (Ed.) Articulating Technology Education in a Global Community. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region, January 05-07, 2006, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp 63-73. [Download pdf]
Choksi, B., Chunawala, S., & Natarajan, C., (2006). Technology as a school subject in the Indian context. In Volk, Kenneth (Ed.) Articulating Technology Education in a Global Community. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region, January 05-07, 2006, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R. P., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2006). Learning Technology Through Collaboration: D&T unit for Boys and Girls in Different Indian Socio-cultural Contexts. In Volk, Kenneth (Ed.) Articulating Technology Education in a Global Community. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region, January 05-07, 2006, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp280-290.[Download pdf]
- Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2004). Placing technology education within the gender perspectives, epiSTEME1 an international conference to review research on science education, Abstracts of Presentations (pp. 58-59). International Centre, Dona Paula, Goa.
- Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2004). Introducing design and technology in school education: legitimising multiple expressions in classrooms, epiSTEME1 an international conference to review research on science education, Abstracts of Presentations (pp. 68-69). International Centre, Dona Paula, Goa.
Mehrotra, S., Khunyakari, R., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2004). Gendered communication in technology tasks: glimpses of group interactions, epiSTEME1 an international conference to review research on science education, Abstracts of Presentations (pp. 120-121). International Centre, Dona Paula, Goa
Khunyakari, R., Mehrotra, S., Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2004). Design as Drawings Analyzing drawings of Middle school students in Technology education tasks, epiSTEME1 an international conference to review research on science education, Abstracts of presentations (pp. 62-63). International Centre, Dona Paula,Goa.
- Natarajan, C. & Chunawala, S. (2003). Designing and teaching appropriate technological productions with their multi-expressive and multipurpose possibilities; Background papers to the International Symposium on social production of knowledge through diversity of expressive modes, multiple literacies and bi (multi) lingual relationships.
- Chunawala, S. & Natarajan, C. (2003). Technology, education and issues of gender; Background papers to the International Symposium on social production of knowledge through diversity of expressive modes, multiple literacies and bi (multi) lingual relationships.
- Mehrotra, S. & Chunawala, S. (2001). Teaching Map Skills at the Third Grade. International Conference of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education for Human Development. Volume II.
- Chunawala, S., Natarajan, C. & Ramadas, J. (1999). Indian Students' Ideas about Living and Non-living: a cross cultural study, IOSTE- 9, Symposium of the International Organisation of Science and Technology Education, Durban, South Africa, pages 96-1 04,June 24 to July 2, 1999.
- Mahajan, B.S., Shitut, S. & Chunawala, S. (1996). Understanding of Health Issues By Indian Students; in Conference Proceedings of GASAT8, Gender and Science and Technology International Conference (pp. 589-591). Ahmedabad, India.
- Kulkarni, V.G. & Chunawala, S. (1987). The impact of science education on the role perception of socio-economically deprived first generation learners: in Conference Proceedings of Science Technology Education and the Quality of Life International Conference (pp. 272-278). Kiel University: Federal Republic of Germany.
- Koul, R., Dawson,V., Chunawala, S. and Natarajan, C. (2012). A collaborative approach to developing science teaching methods suitable for addressing diversity in classrooms. Perth, WA: Science and matheamtics Education Centre, Curtin University.
- Chunawala, S., Muralidhar, A., Birwatkar, P. and Natarajan, C. (2012). Towards Science Education for Diversity: A teacher Researcher Collaborative Workshop, HBCSE, Mumbai, December 2011.
- Choksi, B., Chunawala, S., Natarajan, C., with SED partners. (April, 2011). Science Education for Diversity WP2 Synthesis Report. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai, India.
- Choksi, B., Chunawala, S., Natarajan, C., with SED partners. (June, 2011). Science Education for Diversity WP3 Synthesis Report. Eindhoven University of Technology. The Netherlands.
- Beena Choksi, Sugra Chunawala, Chitra Natarajan (2010): Science Education for Diversity- India Country Report. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India (October 2010).
- Swati Mehrotra, Ritesh Khunyakari, Sugra Chunawala and Chitra Natarajan (2003): Using Posters to Understand Students’ Ideas about Science and Technology, Technical Report No. I (02-03), HBCSE, 2003 [Download pdf]
Jena, S., & Chunawala, S. (May, 1998). A Preliminary Report on Analysis of Primary School Social Studies Curriculum.
Nair, A., Ingole, R., & Chunawala, S. ( February, 1997). Exercise Your English: HBCSE, Mumbai, India.
Chunawala, S. (1994). Lecture notes on Foundations of Behavioural Research: HBCSE, Mumbai, India.
Chunawala, S (1990). A critical review of some literature on Biological Determinism as related to the field of education. HBCSE, Mumbai, India.
Chunawala, S., & Amte, S. (1986). A study of the effectiveness of the HBCSE Study Circle, from the viewpoint of students participating in it. (Forms part of the Interim Report1), HBCSE, Mumbai, India.
Sugra Chunawala and Savita Ladage: Students’ Ideas about Science and Scientists, Technical Report No. 38, HBCSE, 1998 [Download Pdf]
S.C. Agarkar, S.I. Chunawala and V.G.Kulkarni: Improving the performance of Scheduled Caste students: Technical report, HBCSE, 1988
V. G. Kulkarni and Sugra Chunawala: The impact of science education on the role perception of socio economically deprived first generation learners: Technical report 10, HBCSE, 1986
Sugra Chunawala and Shailaja Amte: A study of the effectiveness of the HBCSE Study Circle, from the viewpoint of students participating in it: (Forms part of the Interim Report 1), HBCSE, 1986
- Chunawala S., Vinisha, K. and Patel A. Gender, Science and Schooling: illustrations in science textbooks and students' and teachers' ideas related to gender, 2009, HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai, Gender Issues in Education, Position Paper 3.2, National Curriculum Framework, 2005, NCERT. (Co-author)
Book Review
Chunawala, S. (2009) A Pedagogue’s Romance: Reflections on Schooling, Krishna , 2008, New Delhi: OUP in Contemporary Education Dialogue.
- Chunawala, S. (1999). Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews 8:2 (2001), Copyright© Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi; Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, E. J. Capaldi and Robert W. Proctor, Contextualism in Psychological Research: A critical review, New Delhi, Sage Publications, pp. 193.
Selected Talks
- Sugra Chunawala, New challenges and new pedagogies for 21st century (Keynote address), Senior Scholar Seminar Series, K J Somaiya College of Education and Research and Training, February 17, 2017
- Adithi Muralidhar, Rohan Kapil and Sugra Chunawala: Design and technology education as an inclusive approach to teaching-learning (Lead talk). National Seminar on Education of Socially Disadvantaged Groups in India, Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal. March 5, 2016.
- Sugra Chunawala: HBCSE and its activities (Inaugral address). Anjuman-I-Islam's Ahmed Sailor High School, Mumbai. February 13,2016.
- Sugra Chunawala: Communicating Research. Certificate course on Research Methodology by K J Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education, Training and Research, HBCSE, India. February 5, 2016.
- Sugra Chunawala: Design and Technology Education at HBCSE. Timor-Leste Workshop, HBCSE, India. January 20, 2016.
- Sugra Chunawala: Science, technology and society. Nurture Programme organized for NTS scholars, HBCSE, India. January 4, 2016.
- Sugra Chunawala: Nature of Science. NIUS Students, HBCSE, India. December 24, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Gender issues in Education. Sri Lanka Teacher Workshop. November 27, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Introduction to PBL. KV-ZIET Teacher Workshop. November 18, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Project Based Learning as a teching method. Sri Lanka Teacher workshop. November 17, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Understanding the nature of science. TPD Workshop fr DSCERT, Karnataka, India. June 25, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Shikshanatil Samajik va sanskrutik kahi prashna. Rayat Education Society's Teacher workshop. June 11, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Chala januya Vidnyanache Swaroop. Rayat Education Society's Teacher workshop. June 11, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Reflections from Diagnostic Learning in Primary Science (DLIPS) project. Annual Peer Learning Meet-3, organized by Wildlife Conversation Trust and Eklavya, Bhopal, Panchmarhi, Hoshangabad, MP, India. March 14, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Nature of Science. Workshop on Module Development on Science through Investigation, KV-ZIET, Mumbai. March 2, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Collaborative learning (Invited talk). Teachers' Conference of Science Utsav, conducted by Navi Mumbai Science Foundation (NMSF), February 21, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Quality in higher education (Keynote address). UGC sponsored National Conference on Quality, Equality and Innovation in Higher Education, organized by Gokhale Education Society's Shri Bhausaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mumbai. January 21, 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Research methods. K. J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education, Training and Research, Vidyavihar. January 2015.
- Sugra Chunawala: Thinking, Problem Solving & Stereotypes. Talk presented at the Nurture Programm organised for NTS scholars, HBCSE India. November 2014.
- Sugra Chunawala: Gender Sensitisation. Session conducted at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Mankhurd. Mumbai, India. January, 2014
- Sugra Chunawala: Research Methodology in the Behavioral Sciences. A Talk presented as a part of University of Mumbai course on Research Methodology at K.J. Somaiya College of Science and Engineering. Mumbai, India. DEcember, 2013.
- Sugra Chunawala: Women and Technology. A Talk fr UGC Academic Staff College sponsored refresher's course in Education on the theme ofTechnological Integration in Teacher Education. University of Mumbai, India. November, 2013.
- Sugra Chunawala: Gender and School Education. Talk delivered at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Mankhurd, Mumbai India. September, 2013
Farhat Ara, Sugra Chunawala and Chitra Natarajan: Students as designers and makers: Indian middle school students' creative solutions to design-without-make and design-with-make activities, Paper presented at the Designing Design Education for India, Conference, 13, 14, 15 March, 2013, Pune India.
Pooja Birwatkar and Sugra Chunawala: The voices of a diverse classroom: How to hear them? Paper presentation at an ICSSR sponsored conference held at K.G. Somaiya College of Education, Training and Research on Peace Education titled 'Nobody can bring you peace but yourself', Mumbai, March 22-23, 2013.
Sugra Chunawala: Science and science education through the lens of diversity. Review talk at the Fifth International Conference epiSTEME, HBCSE-TIFR, Mumbai, India, January 2013.
Sugra Chunawala: Science Communication in Indian Languages by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education at the National Meet of Science Communicators in Indian Languages- jointly organised by Vignyan Prasar (DST, Govt. of India) and Vignyan Parishad Prasar (Allahabad), December 13-15, 2012.