Research Interests

My research interest is in the area of graphicacy in general and use of graphs in education in particular. Reading and creating graphs is an interdisciplinary skill, which needs to be developed in students through different grades.

In the research work that I am doing we are making modules with emphasis on graphs to teach the subjects. We will be creating a map of the syllabus which will span across grades and subjects for this purpose. This will enable us to identify the places in the syllabus where we can introduce the proposed graphical modules.

One of the platforms that we are considering for this purpose is the Phoenix platform developed in IUAC, Delhi. We will also be developing some modules using the Sugar OS, which is also deployed on the One Laptop Per Child [OLPC]. We are actively promoting use of Free and Open Source Software [FOSS] for educational purposes.

The title of my research is:

Exploring critical graphicacy in schools with the studio thinking approach and my thesis advisor is Nagarjuna G

You can see the presentation here and the full proposal here.

Among other research interests I am also interested in history and philosophy of science. The website for the graduate course in philosophy of science is . In particular I am intereseted in finding out the image of science that the practicising scientists and the science teachers have. 

I am also interested in popularizing science and mathematics.