- Design and Technology Education
- Environment Education
- 21st century skills
- Web Development
- Linux System Admin
- Free Software
- Mathematics Education and Research
- Chemistry Olympiad
- NIUS Chemistry
- Teacher training programmes
- Undergraduate student nurture programmes
- Computer Graphics
- Website Development
- Biology Education Research
- Teacher Education
- Language of Science
- Science Outreach & Popularization
- School Science Research & Development
- Teacher Professional Development
- Participatory Action Research
- Designing CI & CBOT
- Kumar Vishwakosh
- Junior Science Olympiad
- Integrated Lab
- Science Popularization
- System Admin
- Computer Networking
- Physics Olympiad
- Physics Education Research
- Teacher Training
- Student Talent Nurture
- Teacher Orientation
- Kumar Vishwakosh
- School Science Research and Development
- Teachers Professional Development
- Development of School Science Laboratory Experiment
- Introductory Robotic Education
- Science Popularizarion
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Olympiad